Conquering Email Send Anxiety: 5 Expert Tips

Preparing to launch your campaign to your audience is a thrilling moment for any marketer. It’s the culmination of hard work and creativity. Yet, as you hit “send,” a wave of anxiety may wash over you, realizing that the message is now beyond your control. To help you navigate through this apprehension, we’ve compiled five invaluable tips to empower you to send your emails with confidence.

Tackling Broken Links

The fear of broken links is entirely justified. We’ve all experienced the frustration of encountering them in emails. Besides diminishing your email’s professionalism, broken links can irk your subscribers, tarnish your brand’s image, and undermine your marketing efforts.

Solution: Start by conducting a quality assurance test by sending your email to both yourself and a colleague to verify all links. Additionally, leverage resources like our Pre-send Campaign Checklist and Tools for a comprehensive overview of pre-sending checks. Remember, if a broken link slips through, don’t panic. Sending a follow-up apology email with the correct link demonstrates transparency and humility, qualities that resonate with audiences.

Combatting Typos

Typos, though seemingly minor, can detract from your professionalism as a marketer. While they may not distort your message entirely, they signal to your audience a lack of attention to detail.

Solution: Prior to sending your email, read it aloud slowly, paying close attention to each word. Printing out the email for a thorough review can also aid in spotting errors, as reading from paper allows for heightened attention to detail compared to digital screens. Additionally, enlist proofreading buddies, ideally those with editing experience, to catch any oversight.

Ensuring Elements Render Correctly

When emails fail to render properly in terms of imagery, colors, or fonts, they lose their appeal to subscribers, potentially leading to disengagement or even unsubscribes.

Solution: To alleviate this concern, send quality assurance test emails to colleagues using different email clients to assess how your email renders across various platforms. It’s essential to test your campaign on both desktop and mobile devices to ensure optimal viewing experience for all recipients.

Addressing Suboptimal Results

The anticipation of disappointing campaign results can induce anxiety among marketers. However, understanding that not every email needs to be a runaway success is key to overcoming this fear.

Solution: Permit yourself to experiment and refine your strategies over time. Clearly define objectives for your campaigns, ensuring alignment with your brand’s goals. Incorporate clear calls to action and consider A/B testing elements such as subject lines, content, design, and timing to optimize engagement and conversions. Leverage tools like Emma by Marigold for simplified A/B testing and preview your campaign with live data to ensure dynamic content displays correctly.

Avoiding Sending to the Wrong List

Sending campaigns to the wrong audience can have dire consequences, including damaging your brand’s reputation and diminishing engagement rates.

Solution: Maintain clean and updated email lists, implement robust segmentation practices, and meticulously review recipient lists before sending any campaign. Adopt a clear naming convention for your lists to ensure easy identification and exclude unintended recipients. Always double-check the list before hitting send to mitigate the risk of sending to the wrong audience.

Embrace the Send Button with Confidence

While pre-send anxiety is natural, it shouldn’t hinder your progress as a marketer. By implementing the solutions outlined above and creating a comprehensive email send checklist, you can navigate through send anxiety and approach each campaign launch with confidence. Remember, mistakes happen, but it’s how you respond and learn from them that propels your growth as a marketer.


Making Email Design Accessible to All

In recent years, accessibility has emerged as a crucial consideration across various industries, particularly in the realms of technology and digital marketing. From websites to digital products and, notably, email campaigns, accessibility has become a focal point for industry experts, who advocate for its benefits and necessity. But what exactly does it entail, and why should it matter to us as email marketers?

Email accessibility involves creating emails that are usable by the widest possible audience, including individuals with visual or hearing impairments, cognitive disabilities, or mobility issues. From the copy and design to the underlying code, accessible emails should be easy to understand and engage with.

Dispelling Common Misconceptions

If you haven’t yet prioritized accessibility in your email marketing efforts, you might harbor some misconceptions about its significance and feasibility. Let’s debunk some of these myths to empower you to integrate accessibility seamlessly into your email strategy and design process.

Myth: Accessibility will stifle creativity

While adherence to accessibility standards may initially seem restrictive, it actually provides a framework for creating emails that cater to a broader audience. By following logical and consistent design principles, you can enhance the intuitiveness of your campaigns, leading to improved engagement. Moreover, embracing accessibility can inspire creativity within defined parameters, encouraging strategic thinking and innovation.

Myth: Accessibility is complex and time-consuming

Embarking on a comprehensive accessibility initiative may appear daunting, but it doesn’t have to disrupt your existing processes. For resource-rich teams, integrating accessibility into regular workflows can occur alongside business as usual. Alternatively, for more agile teams, adopting accessibility standards gradually can be a pragmatic approach. By cultivating an accessibility mindset from the outset of campaign creation, you can organically evolve your emails to be more inclusive over time.

Myth: Accessibility benefits only individuals with disabilities

While accessibility undoubtedly enhances the experience for differently abled individuals, its advantages extend to all recipients. Clear and straightforward emails, coupled with support for assistive technologies, benefit everyone by facilitating easy comprehension and engagement. By removing barriers to accessibility, you empower all recipients to interact effectively with your brand, fostering positive experiences and driving meaningful action.

Myth: Accessibility is a one-time endeavor

Ensuring ongoing adherence to accessibility standards is imperative. Conducting periodic audits and updating email templates based on evolving best practices can help maintain compliance. Recognizing that accessibility requirements will evolve alongside industry trends and business needs underscores the need for continuous improvement and adaptation.

Myth: Accessibility can be automated entirely

While online tools can streamline aspects of accessibility compliance, they should complement rather than replace human judgment and creativity. Embracing accessibility as an integral part of the design process enables authentic relationship marketing and fosters genuine inclusivity. Educating oneself on accessibility best practices empowers marketers to navigate nuanced user and business needs effectively, preserving the human element of marketing.

Striking the Balance: Embracing Creativity While Prioritizing Accessibility

Understanding accessibility guidelines empowers marketers to strategically deviate from these standards when appropriate to enhance email engagement. Leveraging interactive elements, real-time personalization, and animated content can inject vibrancy into campaigns, provided that alternative text and fallback scenarios ensure accessibility. Ultimately, integrating accessibility into email design demonstrates a commitment to equity and inclusivity, signaling to audiences that your brand values diverse ways of consuming digital content.

Need Assistance with Accessibility?

Our Marigold Design Team specializes in helping brands kickstart their accessibility efforts. From conducting audits to designing and coding accessible email templates, we possess the expertise to make your brand accessible to everyone. Elevate your marketing efforts by downloading our Relationship Marketing ebook today.


Maximizing Business Growth through Email Marketing Automation

In the realm of marketing, personal connections are the cornerstone of success. Just as in personal relationships, personalized interactions drive engagement and foster loyalty. According to SmarterHQ, a staggering 72% of consumers prefer personalized messaging. But how can businesses achieve this level of personalization on a large scale? The answer lies in email marketing automation.

Email marketing automation involves setting up a series of triggers along the customer journey that automatically sends personalized emails to customers at specific touchpoints. These emails are tailored to each individual’s needs and preferences, seamlessly guiding them through the sales funnel.

At Campaign Monitor, we’ve seen firsthand the power of automated emails, which generate a remarkable 320% more revenue than non-automated ones. What sets automated email campaigns apart is their personalized nature, as opposed to generic mass emails. Accenture reports that consumers are over 90% more likely to engage with brands that offer personalized experiences. So, if you’re looking to leverage email automation to grow your business, you’re on the right track. Let’s explore how.

Distinguishing Automated Email Marketing from Drip Campaigns

There’s often confusion between automated email marketing and drip campaigns, but the distinction is crucial. While both involve sending emails automatically, the approach and content differ significantly.

Drip campaigns consist of generic, scheduled emails sent to all customers at regular intervals, regardless of their position in the sales funnel or past interactions with the brand. These emails typically feature broad messaging, such as promoting a sale or product launch.

On the other hand, automated email marketing delivers personalized email series triggered by specific actions or conditions met by individual customers. These emails are tailored to each customer’s journey, addressing their unique needs and interests.

Building Powerful Email Automation Workflows

To harness the full potential of email marketing automation, you need the right tools and strategies in place. Here’s how to get started:

Choose the Right Email Marketing Automation Tool

Selecting the appropriate email marketing automation platform is paramount. Look for features such as:

Robust email automation capabilities with customizable triggers

Integration with customer relationship management (CRM) software for personalized messaging

Real-time analytics to measure key performance indicators (KPIs)

Easy-to-use email templates for efficient campaign creation

Dynamic list segmentation for targeted messaging

Ecommerce integrations for transactional emails

Mobile optimization for enhanced user experience

Segment Your Subscriber List

Segmenting your subscriber list based on customer data allows for more targeted and personalized communication. Create custom segments based on factors like location, gender, interests, and purchase history. Dynamic segmentation through integrations ensures that emails are tailored to each subscriber’s preferences.

Set Up Automated Workflows for Every Stage of the Customer Journey

Once your segments are defined, create automated workflows to engage customers at various stages of the sales funnel:

Nurture leads with personalized content to build relationships and trust.

Welcome new customers with tailored messages that acknowledge their individuality.

Increase product adoption by showcasing value and promoting action.

Gather feedback through targeted requests to improve products and services.

Surprise and delight customers with personalized gestures to enhance brand affinity.

Promote relevant products or events to segmented audiences for maximum impact.

Win back lost customers with re-engagement campaigns tailored to their needs.

Gather Data and Optimize

Monitor the performance of your email campaigns and analyze customer behavior to identify trends and opportunities for optimization. Use email analytics dashboards to track campaign metrics and refine your strategies accordingly.

By implementing email marketing automation effectively, businesses can personalize customer experiences at scale, driving engagement, loyalty, and revenue. With the right tools and strategies in place, email automation becomes a powerful engine for business growth in today’s digital landscape.