Conquering Email Send Anxiety: 5 Expert Tips

Preparing to launch your campaign to your audience is a thrilling moment for any marketer. It’s the culmination of hard work and creativity. Yet, as you hit “send,” a wave of anxiety may wash over you, realizing that the message is now beyond your control. To help you navigate through this apprehension, we’ve compiled five invaluable tips to empower you to send your emails with confidence.

Tackling Broken Links

The fear of broken links is entirely justified. We’ve all experienced the frustration of encountering them in emails. Besides diminishing your email’s professionalism, broken links can irk your subscribers, tarnish your brand’s image, and undermine your marketing efforts.

Solution: Start by conducting a quality assurance test by sending your email to both yourself and a colleague to verify all links. Additionally, leverage resources like our Pre-send Campaign Checklist and Tools for a comprehensive overview of pre-sending checks. Remember, if a broken link slips through, don’t panic. Sending a follow-up apology email with the correct link demonstrates transparency and humility, qualities that resonate with audiences.

Combatting Typos

Typos, though seemingly minor, can detract from your professionalism as a marketer. While they may not distort your message entirely, they signal to your audience a lack of attention to detail.

Solution: Prior to sending your email, read it aloud slowly, paying close attention to each word. Printing out the email for a thorough review can also aid in spotting errors, as reading from paper allows for heightened attention to detail compared to digital screens. Additionally, enlist proofreading buddies, ideally those with editing experience, to catch any oversight.

Ensuring Elements Render Correctly

When emails fail to render properly in terms of imagery, colors, or fonts, they lose their appeal to subscribers, potentially leading to disengagement or even unsubscribes.

Solution: To alleviate this concern, send quality assurance test emails to colleagues using different email clients to assess how your email renders across various platforms. It’s essential to test your campaign on both desktop and mobile devices to ensure optimal viewing experience for all recipients.

Addressing Suboptimal Results

The anticipation of disappointing campaign results can induce anxiety among marketers. However, understanding that not every email needs to be a runaway success is key to overcoming this fear.

Solution: Permit yourself to experiment and refine your strategies over time. Clearly define objectives for your campaigns, ensuring alignment with your brand’s goals. Incorporate clear calls to action and consider A/B testing elements such as subject lines, content, design, and timing to optimize engagement and conversions. Leverage tools like Emma by Marigold for simplified A/B testing and preview your campaign with live data to ensure dynamic content displays correctly.

Avoiding Sending to the Wrong List

Sending campaigns to the wrong audience can have dire consequences, including damaging your brand’s reputation and diminishing engagement rates.

Solution: Maintain clean and updated email lists, implement robust segmentation practices, and meticulously review recipient lists before sending any campaign. Adopt a clear naming convention for your lists to ensure easy identification and exclude unintended recipients. Always double-check the list before hitting send to mitigate the risk of sending to the wrong audience.

Embrace the Send Button with Confidence

While pre-send anxiety is natural, it shouldn’t hinder your progress as a marketer. By implementing the solutions outlined above and creating a comprehensive email send checklist, you can navigate through send anxiety and approach each campaign launch with confidence. Remember, mistakes happen, but it’s how you respond and learn from them that propels your growth as a marketer.


Unveiling the Potential of Email Testing: Essential Metrics for Marketers

In the realm of email marketing, success heavily relies on the adeptness to measure, analyze, and refine campaigns efficiently. As a tech-savvy marketer, having a fundamental understanding of marketing metrics is indispensable. After all, how else would you gauge the overall performance of your marketing endeavors?

Marketing metrics serve as the quantitative measurements that marketers utilize to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their marketing endeavors. By meticulously tracking and scrutinizing these metrics, brands can glean insights into the efficacy of their marketing strategies. Moreover, they can pinpoint areas for enhancement and make data-driven decisions to propel growth and amplify the overall return on investment (ROI).

Essential Metrics to Know

Marketing metrics encompass an array of key performance indicators (KPIs) that facilitate the assessment of various facets of marketing activities. While there exist numerous email marketing metrics to monitor, we’ll delve into some of the most fundamental ones here.

Unsubscribe Rate:

The unsubscribe rate of an email signifies the percentage of subscribers opting out of further email correspondence. This rate is calculated using the formula: Unsubscribe rate = (total number of unsubscribes ÷ emails delivered) × 100.

Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR):

Distinguishing itself from the open rate, CTOR is the ratio of unique clicks to unique opens. The formula to determine this percentage is: CTOR = (# of unique clicks ÷ # of unique opens) × 100.

Bounce Rate:

The bounce rate denotes the percentage of emails returned due to delivery failure, which can result from either a hard bounce or a soft bounce. To calculate the bounce rate, use the formula: Bounce rate = (total # of bounced emails ÷ total # of sent emails) × 100.

List Growth Rate:

While email tracking tools offer insights into subscriber activity, they often overlook the rate at which your email list is expanding. To compute the list growth rate, subtract the number of unsubscribes from the number of new subscribers, then divide by the total number of addresses on the list. Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the growth rate percentage.

Return on Investment (ROI):

Determining the ROI of a campaign involves subtracting the total budget or investment from the total profit generated, dividing by the investment, and multiplying the quotient by 100. This formula sheds light on the campaign’s profitability and aids in decision-making regarding its continuation.

Commence Tracking Your KPIs Today

By consistently monitoring and analyzing your marketing metrics, you can discern trends, gain deeper insights into customer behavior, and ascertain the channels and strategies yielding optimal results. Armed with this knowledge, you can refine your marketing initiatives, allocate resources judiciously, and align strategies with brand objectives for sustained success.


Crafting Compelling Subject Lines: 6 Essential Tips

In today’s digital age, capturing your audience’s attention amidst the flood of emails in their inbox is no easy feat. The key to driving engagement and conversions lies in crafting compelling subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails. Here are six essential tips to help you master the art of subject line creation:

Keep it Concise:

Subject lines should be short and snappy, conveying your message effectively within a limited space. Aim for between 7 words and 41 characters to ensure compatibility across various email clients, particularly mobile apps like Gmail, which may truncate longer subject lines.

Segment Your Audience:

Avoid sending generic subject lines to your entire email list. Instead, segment your audience based on demographics or behaviors to create tailored subject lines that resonate with specific groups. This personalized approach can significantly boost open rates by delivering relevant content to each recipient.

Personalize Your Message:

Incorporate personalized elements into your subject lines to grab the recipient’s attention. Beyond using their name, leverage unique information such as location or interests that subscribers have shared with you. This zero-party data creates a sense of individualized engagement, increasing the likelihood of opens and conversions.

Be Specific and Compelling:

Make your subject lines specific yet compelling to pique curiosity and encourage opens. Avoid vague phrases and instead provide a clear indication of what recipients can expect inside the email. Whether it’s a tempting offer, exclusive content, or exciting news, specificity breeds interest and drives engagement.

Use Action-Oriented Language:

Infuse your subject lines with language that prompts action and encourages recipients to engage with your email. Incorporate strong verbs that evoke imagery and compel readers to visualize themselves taking the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or exploring further.

Time Your Emails Wisely:

Consider the timing of your email sends to maximize engagement. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, data from our Email Marketing Benchmarks Report suggests that weekdays tend to yield higher open and click-through rates compared to weekends. However, it’s essential to analyze your audience’s behavior and conduct A/B tests to determine the optimal sending times for your campaigns.

In summary, crafting compelling subject lines is essential for capturing your audience’s attention and driving email engagement. By following these six essential tips and continuously testing and optimizing your approach, you can enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and ultimately achieve greater success in reaching your audience.


Email Deliverability: 10 Key Steps Before Sending Your Emails

Congratulations on creating a captivating email design with a focus on best practices! As you proceed, it’s essential to address the challenge of ensuring optimal deliver-ability to recipients’ inboxes. Here’s a concise checklist to guide you through this crucial phase:

Checklist for Email Deliver-ability:

Utilize Dedicated and Dynamic IP:

Opt for a dedicated IP, especially for large email volumes, to exert greater control over domain reputation and deliver-ability.

Assess whether a static or dedicated IP aligns with your email volume requirements.

Use a dynamic IP if maintaining reputation is paramount, as shared IPs may pose risks due to potential spam activities from other users.

Verify Valid Multipart Emails:

Confirm that multi-part emails include valid MIME headers for both text and HTML components.

Throttle Emails per Hour:

Prevent email bounces by adhering to ISP restrictions on the number of emails sent per hour.

Be mindful of the threshold for emails sent within a specific timeframe to avoid issues with ISPs bouncing emails.

Implement DKIM for Outgoing Communication:

Enhance email authenticity with DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) technology, utilizing public and private keys to authenticate the sender’s domain and combat phishing attempts.

Use a Recognizable From Name:

Establish trust with recipients by employing a recognizable sender name.

A familiar from name reduces the risk of being flagged as spam by subscribers.

Avoid Deceptive Subject Lines:

Ensure that your subject lines align with the email content to maintain credibility.

Avoid deceptive subject lines, as they can lead to spam markings and a loss of trust.

Include Physical Address and Contact Information in the Footer:

Satisfy ISP requirements by providing a physical address and contact information in the email footer.

Comply with opt-out legislation and facilitate easy unsubscribing to prevent rejection during whitelisting.

Regularly Clean and Update Email Lists:

Maintain email list hygiene through regular cleaning and updates.

Avoid purchasing email lists and promptly remove unsubscribed contacts.

Embrace permission-based emailing practices.

Monitor Reputation:

Keep a close eye on your reputation and campaign performance.

Monitor blacklists, SMTP logs, and activity trends.

Utilize tools like MXToolBox and DNSBL to check IP status and address issues promptly.

Adhere to Email Providers’ Rules:

Stay informed about and comply with guidelines, rules, and regulations set by email providers.

Regularly check for updates in rules and algorithms to ensure ongoing compliance.


In conclusion, these checkpoints are invaluable in the fight against spam and in safeguarding domain reputation. Notably, we have not delved into spam-triggering words like “FREE,” “%DISCOUNT,” “SALE,” as trends in this area are rapidly evolving. Share your experiences—how is your domain reputation, and which of the above strategies have you employed to address domain reputation challenges?


Lessons from Childhood Tales: Email Marketing and Storytelling

As we embark on the journey of a new year, let’s draw inspiration from timeless childhood stories to glean valuable lessons for email marketing in 2014. Join us as we unravel three classic tales that mirror essential principles every email marketer can relate to.

Story 1: The Miller, His Son, and the Donkey

In this familiar fable, a man and his son face constant judgment from onlookers as they navigate how to use their donkey. Criticism ensues, regardless of whether they walk beside, ride, or carry the donkey. The duo, bewildered and pressured, eventually meets a tragic end when they attempt to please everyone.

Moral – Not everyone can be pleased, accept it and focus on delivering your best.

In the realm of email marketing, striving for a universally perfect layout is an unattainable goal. Just as the father-son duo couldn’t satisfy everyone, marketers must acknowledge the diversity of subscriber preferences. Embrace testing and analytics to design effective emails, realizing that achieving a 100% open rate is unrealistic.

Story 2: The Pigeon and the Crow

This story unfolds the narrative of a wise pigeon and a conniving crow. The crow befriends the pigeon to enjoy royal meals but faces consequences when his deceit is uncovered. The pigeon, to save itself, flees the dangerous situation.

Moral – Originality triumphs over imitation; follow your unique path to success.

In email marketing, cloning successful models from others may not guarantee triumph. Marketers must recognize that campaigns yielding results for one may not translate to success for another. To avoid becoming the crow, marketers should focus on maintaining a clean email list, avoiding spam practices, and understanding their subscribers individually.

Story 3: The Ant and the Grasshopper

The classic fable of the ant and the grasshopper highlights the contrast between hard work and procrastination. The ant diligently prepares for the future, while the grasshopper faces hardship due to his lack of preparation.

Moral – Stay proactive and be prepared for challenges.

In the ever-changing landscape of email marketing, staying updated is crucial. Recent updates in spam policies by major email providers emphasize the need for marketers to stay informed about industry trends and adapt strategies accordingly.


As we dive into the complexities of email marketing in 2014, let these timeless childhood tales serve as guiding principles. Embrace the nuances, be original in your approach, and stay proactive to navigate the evolving terrain successfully. Best of luck in the upcoming challenges!


Unraveling the Magic of CDNs: Boosting Your Website and SEO

Ever wondered why your website lingers on Google’s later pages despite your optimization efforts? The culprit might be sluggish website performance. Enter the Content Delivery Network, or CDN. Before you drown in thoughts of complex networks and bandwidth costs, relax—understanding CDNs is simpler than you think.

What’s a CDN?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers strategically located around the world to efficiently deliver web content to users. It acts as a middleman between the origin server (where a website’s content is stored) and the end user. When a user requests content, the CDN redirects the request to the nearest server, known as an edge server, instead of going directly to the origin server. This process aims to enhance the user experience by reducing load times, optimizing bandwidth usage, and improving website performance. CDNs are crucial for websites with a global audience, as they contribute to faster and more reliable content delivery.

How Does it Work?

Imagine a CDN as a middleman between your website’s home (origin server) and users. It has servers worldwide (edge servers) that kick into action when users request your content. These servers cache and swiftly deliver content, ensuring a better user experience.

Origin and Edge Servers: The Basics

A CDN consists of origin servers (your website’s home) and strategically placed edge servers acting as intermediaries globally.

Why CDNs Matter

CDNs are crucial for website owners aiming to optimize speed, security, and user experience. They:

  • Improve website speed and load times.
  • Efficiently deliver web content.
  • Reduce bandwidth costs.
  • Enhance user experience and satisfaction.
  • Boost SEO rankings.
  • Facilitate load balancing.
  • Decrease network traffic.
  • Increase website security.
  • Guard against DDoS attacks.
  • Form a vital part of core network infrastructure.
  • How CDNs Impact SEO

Website performance significantly affects SEO rankings. CDNs contribute to SEO in three key ways:

Speed Matters:

CDNs deliver content faster by using nearby edge servers. This drastically improves website load times, a crucial SEO metric influencing user interaction and bounce rates.

Bandwidth Consumption:

CDNs optimize bandwidth by compressing files and using advanced caching techniques. Reduced bandwidth consumption cuts costs and indirectly boosts SEO.

Localization and Global Impact:

CDNs distribute content through strategically located servers, ensuring faster and more reliable performance. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also sends positive signals to search engines.

Core Web Vitals: The SEO Benchmark

Google’s Core Web Vitals, measuring visual stability, interactivity, and loading performance, are crucial for SEO. CDNs contribute positively by efficiently delivering content and reducing layout shifts.

Setting up a CDN: A Brief Guide

Picking the Right CDN Provider:

Understand your needs and choose based on performance, security, scalability, customer support, and price. Popular choices include Cloudflare, Akamai, and Amazon CloudFront.


Most CDN providers offer guides for setting up. Configure DNS settings to direct user requests to nearby CDN servers instead of the origin server.

Monitoring and Adjustments:

Track impact using tools like Google Analytics and GTmetrix. Make adjustments to continue benefiting from your CDN.

Final Thoughts

In an era where website performance and user experience are crucial for SEO, CDNs play a pivotal role. Their benefits, from reduced load times to improved security, outweigh limitations. With this guide, you’re equipped to make informed decisions for your website’s future. If serious about SEO and user experience, investing in a CDN is a logical step.


Unveiling the Power of SEO: Your Guide to Dominating Online Search

In the bustling digital landscape, standing out can feel like a daunting task. However, there’s a secret weapon that savvy businesses are leveraging to not just survive but thrive – Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. This guide is your ticket to unraveling the magic behind SEO, understanding its nuances, and harnessing its unparalleled power to propel your brand to the forefront of online search results.

The Essence of SEO

At its core, SEO is the art of making your online presence irresistible to search engines like Google. It’s about optimizing every aspect of your website to ensure it ranks high when users search for relevant keywords. Think of SEO as your brand’s backstage pass to the grand stage of the internet – a way to connect with your target audience at the exact moment they’re seeking your products or services.

Unpacking the Algorithm Enigma

Search engines use intricate algorithms to determine which websites appear on their coveted first page. Our guide demystifies this algorithm enigma, shedding light on factors like keywords, user experience, site speed, and backlinks that influence your website’s ranking. With these insights, you’ll be equipped to craft an SEO strategy that aligns with search engine requirements and user expectations.

Crafting an SEO Strategy

The key to successful SEO lies in a well-crafted strategy. This chapter dives deep into the process of strategizing, from keyword research that uncovers the terms your audience is searching for, to on-page optimization that makes your content shine in the eyes of search engines. We’ll also explore the importance of quality content creation, the backbone of any effective SEO approach.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape

Just as the digital world evolves, so does SEO. Our guide keeps you up-to-date with the latest trends, including voice search, mobile optimization, and user intent. You’ll learn how to future-proof your SEO efforts, ensuring your brand remains at the forefront of search results, no matter how the landscape shifts.

Measuring Success

What good is a strategy without results? Our final chapter delves into measuring the success of your SEO efforts. We guide you through tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), interpreting analytics, and making data-driven decisions to continuously refine and optimize your approach.

Conclusion: Your SEO Odyssey

As you reach the end of this guide, you’re armed with the knowledge to embark on your SEO odyssey. The power to dominate online search is within your grasp, and E-Market UAE is here to be your guiding light. Harness the magic of SEO, enhance your online visibility, and position your brand as a force to be reckoned with in the digital realm. Welcome to the world of SEO mastery – your journey to online success starts now.