In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Snapchat has emerged as a powerhouse with its unique 3V advertising format. This innovative approach, which stands for Vertical, Video, and Views, represents a seamless and engaging advertising experience that is both viewable and shareable, making it a game-changer for brands looking to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. This blog delves into the essence of 3V advertising, exploring its components and the transformative impact it has on the digital marketing landscape.

 Understanding the 3V Framework

The 3V framework is a Snapchat native form of advertising that is designed to provide an end-to-end experience for the user. It comprises three key elements: Vertical, Video, and Views, each playing a crucial role in the advertising process .

– Vertical: This refers to the orientation of the ad, which is tailored to fit the vertical orientation of mobile screens. By aligning with the natural viewing habits of users, Snapchat ads ensure that they are not only viewable but also engaging and immersive .

– Video: Snapchat’s platform is renowned for its video content, making it the ideal channel for branding campaigns. The 3V framework leverages this strength by focusing on video ads that are not only visually appealing but also align with the expectations of Snapchat viewers. This ensures that the ads are not just viewable but also resonate with the audience, enhancing brand awareness and engagement .

– Views: The third component of the 3V framework is the choice of viewing the ads. Unlike traditional advertising formats, Snapchat’s 3V ads are designed to be viewed by choice, ensuring that users are not bombarded with unwanted content. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also fosters a sense of engagement and interest in the brand .

 The Power of 3V Advertising

The 3V framework stands out for its focus on creating a personalized and engaging advertising experience. By combining vertical orientation, video content, and choice viewing, Snapchat’s 3V advertising format offers a unique opportunity for brands to connect with their audience in a meaningful and memorable way. This approach not only enhances brand visibility but also fosters a deeper connection between the brand and its audience, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversion rates .

 The Role of Influencers and Targeting

In the world of 3V advertising, influencers play a pivotal role. Their authenticity and reach make them ideal for creating sponsored posts or curated content that appears as Live Stories on Snapchat. This strategy allows brands to leverage the power of influencer marketing, reaching a wider audience and enhancing the credibility of their messages. Additionally, Snapchat’s 3V ads offer robust targeting options, including location, age, gender, and the Discover Channel, ensuring that ads are delivered to the right audience, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of the campaign .


The 3V framework represents a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape, offering a unique and engaging advertising experience that is both viewable and shareable. By leveraging the power of vertical orientation, video content, and choice viewing, Snapchat’s 3V advertising format provides brands with a powerful tool to connect with their audience in a meaningful and memorable way. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, the 3V framework stands as a testament to Snapchat’s innovative approach to advertising, setting new standards for engagement and visibility in the digital space.

Embrace the 3V revolution and watch as your brand’s digital marketing strategy transforms, offering a more engaging and personalized experience to your audience.